A Tribe Called Bliss
Instagram @loriharder
Last week I attended the book tour for Lori Harder's A Tribe Called Bliss with my good friend Jess Dalliday (AKA @thehealthysweetpotato). For a long time Jess and I have been low key obsessed with Lori's messages of self-love, transformation and the powerful interviews she shares in her podcast "Earn Your Happy." Naturally we both scooped up her new book the day it was released and can't wait to start our own mastermind tribe this summer!
Instagram @loriharder
I think Lori is on to something with the concept of tribe. No one person can be everything for for us and we need different people to provide us with different things along our journeys. When I think about my life I feel like I am lucky to have several tribes for all the different facets of my life- physio, blogging, fitness, etc. I highly recommend you pick up Lori's book (or feel free to ask to borrow one of my three copies...) and consider forming your own tribe (3-4 people) to help elevate your potential, deepen your commitment to your goals and come closer to the person you want and know you can be.
Lori's book goes over all the how to's in starting your own group and even gives you scripts and discussion points to help get your group off on the right foot. I don't want to give away too much of the book but here are some of my takeaways from Lori's talk last week!
Instagram @loriharder
- Be sure to accept your right with the left. You must be find gratitude in the good and the bad that comes your way. Be ready because the more success you achieve, likely more crap comes with it!
- Set boundaries on your relationships and be clear and upfront about them. When you don't set boundaries you are living on someone elses terms.
- We are all trying to create something. At one point Lori asked if anyone in the room was trying to build there own business and honest to goodness every single one of the 350+ people in the room put up their hand! Maybe we aren't trying to literally build our own business but everyone is trying to find a way to put their own stamp on something and do things their own way.
- Be authentic because when you show up fully as yourself you will attract people who are aligned with you. We are all a bit weird so don't hide it- raise that weirdo flag high so that all the other weirdos can come find you.
- Stop the gossip train. This one is huge, especially for women. Even if you don't think you gossip, I bet you still probably gossip at least once or twice a day. If those around you are thriving off gossip aim to stop it in its tracks and be a gossip killer.
“Gossip dies when it hits the ears of the wise”
Instagram @loriharder
- It's ok to change and let relationships go of relationships. This is one I have struggled with myself. As I have grown and changed, I have always felt guilty for letting go of people in my life. Not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever because my goodness that would just be too many people to handle! Some people are just around for a season or to teach you a lesson. So let go, be thankful for what they brought you and move forward without guilt.
- Expectations ruin the magic. Lori talked about the "expectation hangover"- how you feel when something doesn't quite live up to how you envisioned it. I do this all the time! Instead of focusing on what didn't happen or what was lacking release your expectations so that you can fully show up and be grateful for what is ACTUALLY happening in your life.
- We all have the same fears and hang ups. Everyone in the room felt the same few things were holding them back- fear, rejection, judgement. Nope, you aren't the only one.
It was such an awesome night and I am so happy to have met Lori and so many other fabulous women at the event last week. No, this is NOT a sponsored post (LOL I'm not that big time) but I highly recommend you check out her book and consider starting your own tribe! You can buy A Tribe Called Bliss HERE and be sure to check out Lori's podcast Earn Your Happy with new episodes bi-weekly!