Motivation (In Good Times and In not so good times)


Woof. The past few months have been challenging to say the least! We’ve all been faced with a new reality and things have changed for all of us in many ways. One thing we’ve heard many people talk about over the last few months is their struggle to stay motivated as life continues to toss us new and different challenges. So today Kate is going to talk motivation. How to get it and how to keep it so that you can achieve your goals in good times but more importantly in challenging times too!

Motivation is the act of moving towards the objectives that you have envisioned for yourself.

Here are some tips that can hopefully help you tap into that motivation and keep yourself moving: 

  1. Find something that excites you

    It can be anything! A new hobby (hello bread making!), a career vision, an athletic achievement or a lifestyle modification. It’s so critical that whatever it is, YOU are excited to work towards it no matter how big or small. If it isn’t something that you truly desire or is coming from a place of external pressure it probably isn’t going to stick long term. So, what is it YOU are excited for? Take some time and brainstorm!

  2. Break it down into teeny, tiny goals!

    At the essence of motivation are goals. It’s SUPER important to not only set that ultimate longer-term goal, but to also break it down and set smaller goals and actions steps. Those tiny steps are key to keeping you moving! Making a to-do list for the week, sending that one email, or going for one run: this is where the magic starts! Tangible actions add up quickly towards your ultimate goal. Reverse engineer from your big goal- how will you get there and then GET STARTED with that one first step!

  3. Make Yourself Accountable

    Along with those goals set some reasonable timelines. Match each small goal with a timeline for completion. Write it on your calendar, set up some notifications and carve out some time in your weekly schedule for these things! If you don’t make time for it, it’ll never happen!

  4. Say it outloud!!

    This is an important step but one that is often missed. Verbalizing your visions and talking about your process not only keeps you accountable but it highlights how excited and passionate you are about what you are working towards. Not only will telling a friend or family member about your goals help keep you accountable, it will remind you of your passion and excitement! Talking can also help you get un-stuck- two minds are better than one. You may get some strategies, ideas or visions from those around you that you never would have considered yourself! 

  5. Allow yourself to take side trips AND detours

    This is 2020- things are changing on the daily so embrace and be prepared to be malleable! Look at change as an opportunity instead of obstacles. Change is a chance to take a look at what you have done and perhaps find new ways to things. So, be flexible, adaptable and take a hold of that change to turn it into an exciting new opportunity! 


As much as these 5 steps might be easy, they are not simple. Finding ways to stay motivated and shape your goals in the current climate is a challenging but not impossible. Remember your why and allow yourself to take detours and side trips along the way- you never know where it might lead you. So enjoy the ride!


Emma Jack