Virtual Visits 101

As we all continue to pivot and shift around COVID-19 we are seeing people work, learn and workout from home but how about PHYSIO from home?

Many people are unsure of the effectiveness or benefit of a virtual appointment so today on the blog we want to walk you through why a virtual physiotherapy visit may just be the right thing for you!

  1. What do we do?

    During a virtual appointment (just like in person) we can learn your history, rule out need for further investigation, take you through a movement assessment, provide you with education, resources and a plan to move forward. We will prescribe you with a home program- and BONUS we get to see your exact set-up and tailor it even more to you!

  2. But…what about hands on treatment?

    We get it- we love hands on treatment too but ultimately it is important that YOU and able to care for YOUR BODY! There are countless ways we can show you to mimic what we do in clinic from self-mobilizations to soft-tissue release. There is a lot you can do for yourself not only now but you’ll have these tools for the long-term too!

  3. Who is eligible?

    We are able to serve any resident of the Province of Ontario. Don’t live in London? No problem! We are happy to serve those locally and across the province.

  4. How does it actually work.

    Our clinic runs all of our virtual appointments through Jane Clinic Management Software. Trust us, Jane is out right-hand woman when it comes to taking physiotherapy online. She makes scheduleing and logging on to your virtual appointment a BREEZE! Run through a demo here! You can use your smartphone, IPad/iPhone, laptop or desktop computer (with a webcam!) The appointments run best when using Firefox or Chrome web browsers and at the end of the day- we will make it work! We are in it together and will always do our best to support you and your tech through the process. Once you’ve done it once you’ll have it down!

If you are ready and excited to get working with us online you can book your virtual physiotherapy, pelvic floor physiotherapy or clinical Pilates session with us today! Ready? Set. Let’s REHAB!

Emma Jack