10 Strategies for Taming your Imposter Syndrome


Earlier this week, I chatted with Shante Cofield (@themovementmaestro) about imposter syndrome on her Podcast “Maestro on the Mic” (listen HERE) and guys, GUYS! I have been overwhelmed with your response and feedback. On the one hand, I am thrilled and delighted that so many people listened and connected with my message. On the other, its hard to realize that so many brilliant people are suffering with feelings of imposter syndrome. 

With estimates of around 70% of females having experienced imposter syndrome, you are in good company (if I do say so myself). From self- sabotage, negative self-talk and being hypercritical of yourself to chalking all of your successes up to luck, most people can relate to a time they’ve fallen victim. For me, it’s when those feelings take over and consume you that it is time to take a deeper dive into what is really going and take ACTION!

Perhaps we need to do a podcast Part Deux as we didn’t really get into talking about strategies to help combat imposter syndrome this round. After having so many people reach out, I thought today on the blog I would share some of the tools that have helped me combat my lil imposter!

10 Strategies to Help Tame your Imposter Syndrome

1.     Reach out to your fraud squad!

Think about some people in your life that you would feel comfortable sharing your feelings of imposter syndrome with. One of the best things you can do is express what you are going through and bring someone else into your circle. Standing in your own little shame storm won’t get you too far- we need objectivity and support! Practice courage and reach out to someone you trust and bring them into what your world.


2.     Get a mantra and start talking to yourself (bonus points if you talk to yourself in the third person or do it into the mirror!)

Sounds crazy, but I promise you it works. My go-to mantra right now is “I’m taking a leap. It’s going to be messy. And thats going to be perfect” It could also be “{INSERT NAME} is smart and capable”, “why the f*ck not me” or “Trust that everything is figureoutable.” Think about what you need to hear, say it loud and say it proud and be your own biggest cheerleader!

3.     Don’t be afraid to niche up!


Think about the populations, conditions or treatment techniques that you love and hone in on that! No one said you have to be able or should treat every condition or population that walks through your door! Do what makes you feel the best and I guarantee the right people will take note! Maybe you love treating neurological conditions with Pilates, cross fit athletes with soft tissue work or get excited to teach small group cardiac rehab classes. If there is something that lights you up AND you are good at it: FOLLOW THAT. You will feel so much better doing what you love and suddenly you will have said “Bye, Felicia” to your imposter syndrome.

4.     Start a hype file

This is a place where you keep a list of compliments, thank you cards, texts, testimonials, accomplishments- things that can remind you that you are the real deal. Wether it is notes in your phone or an email folder try to have something you can access quick and easy when you are starting to spiral into doubt!

5.     Track successes and love your stumbles.


Yes, I know you are good at comparing yourself to others but have you ever compared yourself to YOURSELF? Think about where you were 12 months, 5 years or 10 years ago. It can be amazing to look back and connect the dots. Every success as well as every stumble has allowed you to get where you are today. BOTH are important. You wouldn’t be where you are without each and every bump so don’t let failures scare you so much- they are usually our catapults to success!

6.     Be humble and radically authentic.

I’m just going to say it. No one likes an ashole. The smartest people I know are also the first people to know their limits. So know your limits and don’t judge those limits- everyone has them! THAT IS NORMAL. Remember, no one likes an asshole who thinks (illogically) that they know everything. Stay curious, open hearted and challenge yourself to continue learning. Let people know you care and are extra trustworthy by being honest and saying “I don’t know but let me look into that for you” or “I don’t know but I will reach out and find someone who does” Admitting you don’t know is the biggest ninja move!

7.     Write down your roles.


I don’t know about you but I hate at parties when people ask me “so, what do you do.” Like, damn, do they even have time to hear my long winded answer? I’m a friend, sister, daughter, girlfriend, grand-daughter, neice, Auntie, educator, Instagrammer, blogger, athlete (in my own head), chocochip cookie lover…and I make money helping people reconnect with and rehabilitate their bodies. You are so much more than your profession. Understand that your career is merely one aspect of who you are and do not let it define you. Know all the pieces and roles that make you magic.

8.     Journal


Get out a piece of paper and just let it flow. No perfect penmanship or grammar here. Just listen to the thoughts in your head and write it all out on paper. Challenge yourself to write 5-8 minutes straight and be a witness to what you are telling yourself. Getting things out of your head is a form of release- it helps to break the cycle of rumination. On the flip side, reading your thoughts back to yourself can be super powerful as it gives you the time and challenge those thoughts and replace them with new (BETTER) ones.


9.     Be a Mentor

I know, I know if you have imposter syndrome you may not feel like you have anything to offer but trust me on this! Spending time with someone coming up behind you (high school student, undergrad student or Master student- whatever!) can help show you what you know. We can get caught comparing ourselves to those who have been in their careers for twice the amount of time or who have taken a slightly different path. Spending time with a novice shows us how far we’ve come and how much we know. Not only is it helpful for them, but it feels good and is a confidence boost for you! WIN-WIN!


10.  Know that up-levelling is le hard and treat yo’self.

Growth is uncomfortable. Sure you could stay the same, play small, live small and be small but you know you are made for more. Trust that every step along the way you are being guided and that right now you are doing the thing! Take some extra time and care for yourself during this period of growth: read, meditate, buy the expensive latte, exercise, sleep-in, take a bath. Whatever your thing is-make time for it and have zero guilt. Sometimes greatness requires a mud mask :).

I hope you find these tips helpful! If you want to take a deeper dive I’d love to connect! I have two spots open for one on one coaching and a few spots left in my mentoring group starting in January 2020 (you can find out more about that HERE). Please feel free to reach out to me via email (emma@pressplayphysio.com) or via instagram (@pressplayphysio).